Welcome to St. Joseph Dyer Church in Dyer, Indiana. We’re so excited that you’re here. Take a look around at our brand new website. Explore our parish, ministries and organizations, and the many ways for you and your family to become involved in the parish and celebrate your faith with us.
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First Reading — All the ends of the earth will behold the salvation of our God (Isaiah 52:7-10).
Psalm — The whole world has seen God’s salvation (Psalm 98).
Second Reading — God has spoken to us through the Son, the very imprint of God’s being (Hebrews 1:1-6).
Gospel — The Word became flesh; from his fullness we have all received grace (John 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14]).
God of all peoples, how blessed we are to gather in
faith at Eucharist, for it is in Your Word and
Sacrament that we discover
If not, become consecrated as a
Knight of the Immaculata.
If so, renew your Consecration monthly at the
Carmelite Shrine in Munster.
First Saturday Devotions Beginning October 1st
Holy Mass, Confessions, Holy Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Fatima First Saturday Devotions!
8am to 10:30am—1628 Ridge Road, Munster
St. Maximilian Kolbe began the Militia of the
Immaculata 105 years ago!
The Carmelite Shrine is the only MI Village in Indiana.
God of all peoples, how blessed we are to gather in
faith at Eucharist, for it is in Your Word and
Sacrament that we discover that we are the Community
called the Body of Christ.
Our St. Joseph Parish Vision is filled with enthusiasm
for loving God and neighbor because Your
Kingdom expands, Creator Father, in an atmosphere
of interpersonal relationships.
May we the members of St. Joseph Parish continue to
grow in faith during our Pastoral Planning Process,
so that our Parish Vision will be fulfilled as we discover
that as parish we are Community in Christ.