St. Joseph parish is now accepting parish contributions electronically.
Your donation to our parish supports all of our parish ministries and the day to day operation of our parish.
We hope that you will prayerfully discern donating to the best of your ability.
Your weekly and special contributions may be made here.
If you would like to donate online please – CLICK HERE!
We thank you for your continued kind and generous support of our parish.
Partners in Christ’s Mission …
- Catholic Services Appeal (CSA) will be starting next weekend
- You will be receiving a letter from Fr. Peter along with a pledge/donation card
Everything collected beyond our parish CSA quota of $47,996 will come back 100% to our parish.
We hope that you will prayerfully discern your pledge/donation!
You will then fill out the card and forward it to the Diocese of Gary (an envelope will be included) with your donation or pledge.
St. Joseph Parish and Fr. Peter are most appreciative of your participation in the CSA program.
God bless our SJ Parish Family
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I hope that this letter finds you and your family well. I continue to pray daily for the health and well-being of all of our parishioners. I am writing to invite you to participate in our Catholic Services Appeal. This annual campaign provides much needed funds to support many of the ministries of the Diocese of Gary.
For example:
- The Marriage Tribunal provides support to individuals seeking annulments.
- Retired priests are provided assistance through CSA.
- Some second collections are eliminated through the consolidation into the CSA campaign (including the Holy Father, home missions, and the Holy Land).
- The Office for Vocations promotes and recruits vocations to the priesthood and religious life. The future of the Church and the Diocese of Gary depends upon the work of this ministry.
- Catholic Charities supports local initiatives to help those in need.
It’s important for us as Catholics to recognize that we not only belong to our local parish, but that we are also part of the larger family of parishes that is the Diocese of Gary, and in turn members of the universal Roman Catholic Church.
As you prayerfully consider your pledge to CSA, I would encourage you to embrace a spirit of sacrificial giving. We have received so many blessings from God! The Catholic Services Appeal is a wonderful opportunity to express our gratitude to God.
As you know, any money we collect over our goal is returned to the parish. Many of you fulfill your weekly stewardship to the parish through your pledge to CSA. I encourage that practice if you so choose. There is also the availability to donate online as well as arranging a recurring donation (e.g., monthly) from a bank account or credit card.
I realize that some may not be able to contribute to the CSA Campaign at this time due to financial circumstances. However, even a small sacrifice combined with those of your fellow parishioners can go a long way in promoting the good of our parish, our Diocese, and the Church throughout the world.
You can make a tremendous difference through your gift to our Catholic Services Appeal.
Grateful for your continued stewardship, and asking God to reward your generosity, I am,
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Peter John Muha