St Joseph Dyer

Weekly 50/50 Raffle Instructions 

Drawings will be held every Tuesday at 9:45 am in our Gathering Room.

All registered members of St. Joseph Parish are eligible for the 50/50 raffle.

You must use 2 separate envelopes for the current week even if you are a monthly,  electronic, home-bound or weekly contributor.

All contributors mentioned previously must make their sacrificial contribution by the first Sunday of the month and indicate on each subsequent weekly envelope that is placed in the collection basket that you are either a monthly, electronic or home bound contributor.

You must use your current weekly treasure envelope with your sacrificial amount and the pre-printed 50/50 envelope found in the pews with exactly $5.

If you are paying by check, you must use 2 checks, one for the weekly treasure envelope made out to St. Joseph Church and the other check for $5 for the 50/50 raffle made out to St. Joseph Church – 50/50 raffle.

The 50/50 raffle envelope is to be put in the collection along with your sacrificial weekly treasure envelope.